Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pineapple–mango salad!

This week we prepared this tasty salad for everyone who came over for Sunday football festivities. Even though all our friends and family aren't big fans of salads, I guess the sweet taste of the pineapple changed that or it made then completely forget they were eating salad. Either way everyone enjoyed it

Anyways, pineapple is a great fruit and here’s why:
-1 cup of chopped pineapple provides almost 100% of the daily requirement of manganese, an essential mineral that helps maintain a healthy skin, bones, and cartilage formation.
-It has a relatively low impact on blood’s sugar.
-Contains bromelain, which helps in digestion and reduces inflammation.
-It can also act as a blood thinner.

Also, salads don’t have to be boring. We always try adding some fruits, nuts and/or cheese. The dressing also plays an important role; otherwise eating a bunch of lettuce doesn’t seem too appealing.

Another good thing about this salad is it simple to make:
-Mixture of lettuce
-Some pineapples slides
-Mango (cut in cubes)                                                                                 
-Cherry tomatoes (cut in half)

First broil the pineapple a little. Then just add all ingredients together in the quantities you prefer. None of the ingredients require a limit (unless you add like 50 mangoes and 100 cherry tomatoes per portion!).

For the dressing, here’s a low calorie recipe:

-2 tablespoon orange marmalade (low in sugar preferably)
-1/4 tablespoon balsamic-raspberry vinegar
-1/2 tablespoon basil
-2 tablespoons olive oil

Stir together and enjoy it!

*Pineapple information: The 150 healthiest food on earth by Jonny Bowden.

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